Trakijska Rāčenica - Bulgaria (Thrace)

Introduced by Marcus Holt

Line dance, W-Position, Meter 7/8, counted as QQS.

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 QQS Facing to the R, step forward on R foot (QQ), lift L foot forward, with bent knee, while lifting and lowering R heel (S).
2 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork
3 QQS Facing center, step on R foot to R while lowering arms to V-position (QQ), step on L foot behind R foot while raising arms back up to W-position (S).
4-6 Repeat measures 1-3.
7-8 Repeat measures 1-2 moving towards center.
9 QQS Step back onto R foot (QQ), lift L foot forward with bent knee while raising and lowering R heel (S).
10 QQS Hop on R foot (Q), step on L foot to L (Q), step on R foot across L foot (S).
11 Repeat measure 11.
12 QQS Step left onto L foot (QQ), lift R foot forward with bent knee while raising and lowering L heel (S).